President Maduro Denounces Violation of Agreement by Edmundo Gonzalez Urrutia

President Maduro highlighted that more than 5,000 communal circuits have been established, including those specifically for indigenous peoples, reflecting an effort to empower communities in decision-making. Dec 11, 2024 Photo: VTV
December 11, 2024 Hour: 9:33 pm
Additionally, Venezuela is preparing to take a significant step with the election of Justices of the Peace scheduled for December 15, a process aimed at strengthening popular organization through the communes.
Venezuela Establishes National Electoral Commission for the Election of Justices of the Peace
In a recent speech during a communal assembly with candidates for Justices of the Peace in Caracas, Nicolas Maduro, the president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, denounced that the ultra-right opponent Edmundo González Urrutia is violating an agreement signed before leaving the country on September 7.
According to President Maduro, González Urrutia, who is currently in Spain after applying for political asylum, continues to incite violence and civil war from abroad, which violates the conditions of his asylum.
President Maduro emphasized the need to maintain peace in Venezuela, stating that the country will not be dragged into war despite provocations.
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“In Venezuela, there will be peace and people mobilized in the streets; peace and constitution; peace and national union,” he declared, reaffirming his commitment to stability and constitutional order.
Additionally, Venezuela is preparing to take a significant step with the election of Justices of the Peace scheduled for December 15, a process aimed at strengthening popular organization through the communes.
President Maduro highlighted that more than 5,000 communal circuits have been established, including those specifically for indigenous peoples, reflecting an effort to empower communities in decision-making.
Furthermore, the date of January 10 is approaching, when Maduro will be sworn in as president-elect for the period 2025-2031.
Despite the threats from extreme right groups that have called for violence, the president remains firm in his stance, trusting in the legitimacy of his electoral victory as certified by the Supreme Court of Justice.
Gonzalez Urrutia, who was a presidential candidate in the last election, challenged the government’s authority by announcing his intention to attend Maduro’s inauguration. This act could further intensify political tensions.
Autor: MLM